Nurture Nursery staff have undertaken a range of training which helps us to support the the well being and involvement of the children and families who attend our setting.
In Nurture Nursery children’s well-being is a priority and staff fully understand that emotional well-being and physical well-being provide the basis for learning and development.
We use the scales of well-being and involvement developed by Ferre Laevers and his team to ensure that we are providing the right environment both emotionally and physically for our children's learning to take place.
A child’s level of well-being is intrinsically linked to levels of involvement and motivation to learn. The signals of involvement link with the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):
1. Playing and exploring
2. Active learning
3. Creating and thinking critically.
Staff routinely observe young children and as part of the observation process we acknowledge children’s well-being and involvement in our planning, observations and next steps, Two Year Progress Checks and Transition Reports.
More information on the Ferre Laevers well-being and involvement scales can be found here: