The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) makes ongoing CPD training a requirement and explains why this is important:
‘’Providers must support staff to undertake appropriate training and professional development opportunities to ensure they offer quality learning and development experiences for children that continually improves.’’
Here at St. Michael's staff undertake training relevant to their individual professional roles. We encourage staff to engage in continuous professional development (CPD) at every opportunity to develop their abilities, improve their skills and update or deepen their current knowledge and understanding.
We live in a rapidly changing world, with new legislation, theories and technologies being introduced. Through regular CPD staff keep up to date with these changes and know the implications for their job and the children in our care.
CPD enables us to adapt our ideas and teaching in light of new information. Knowing why we do something and reflecting on this helps us to improve our practices and inevitably has a positive impact on the experiences the children have in our Nurture Nursery.
All Nurture Nursery staff have annual safeguarding training and we always have at least one full paediatric first aid qualified member of staff available at all times. Our paediatric first aiders are:
Tracey Evans, Marie Dodd, Kayleigh Earp, Lindsay Allen and Jo Thomas.
Additional training undertaken during the academic year 2019 to 2020 included:
- Educare: GDPR, Prevent Duty, Food Hygiene, Domestic Abuse: Children & Young People, ACE’s, Health & Safety: staff awareness, Moving and Handling, Supporting staff wellbeing in schools, Child Neglect, The SEND code of practice and Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People.
- Centre for Research in Early Childhood(CREC): Early Maths and Working with Parents
- COMPASS: Anaphylaxis Awareness training.
- Learn and Explore Debate
Training Academic year 2020 to 2021
- Centre for Research in Early Childhood(CREC): Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Early Intervention, Two Year Olds and Team Leadership.
- WCC: Observation, Assessment and Planning and Supervision and Appraisal
- Time to Talk level 1:
‘time to talk’™ is Warwickshire’s strategy for supporting the development of speech,
language and communication skills of babies and young children in Children and
Family Centres and Early Years and Childcare settings.
Alongside face to face training staff undertake Early Years literature reviews and access a wide variety of online early years training opportunities including the Curiosity Approach, Reggio Emilia Approach, Alice Sharp: experiential approach and Well Being and Involvement.