At St. Michael's Nurture Nursery we recognise the importance of speech and language development and fully understand that we have an amazing opportunity, in partnership with parents, to develop children's speech and language skills. This is why we invest in staff training in communication and language.
At St. Michael's Nurture Nursery we:
- Facilitate Speech and Language 'drop in' sessions led by Warwickshire Speech and Language Service.
- Have three staff who are trained to tier 3 in the Warwickshire 'Time to Talk' programme.
- Ensure all staff are trained to tier 1 in the Warwickshire 'Time to Talk' programme.
- Have recently (2020) undertook 'I can' Early Talk training:
- Deliver Language Enrichment Groups in Nurture Nursery for children who have a delay in speech & language.
- Work in collaboration with the Health Visiting Service and the Integrated Disability Service to identify needs and ensure children receive the correct support without delay.
- Access and promote a variety of local and national initiatives to support children's speech and language, including:
* Time to Talk Warwickshire
* Warwickshire Speech and Language Service
* I Can
* Hungry Little Minds: Chat, Read and Play
* Tiny Happy People: Ideas to Chat and Play
* National Literacy Trust
For more information on the above services and websites, see our Speech and Language page here