Here at St. Michael's we take staff well-being seriously and believe everyone has a responsibility for fostering well-being.
Well-being is essentially how someone feels about various aspects of their life – their home life, their health, their relationships with others, their job and other activities.
Our Aim
‘To create and environment which promotes a state of happiness and satisfaction which allows staff to flourish and achieve their full potential for the benefit of themselves and their organisation'
We support staff's well-being by having:
1. An open door policy which is genuine and authentic
2. A Mental Health First Aider: Stacy Donnelly
3. Regular 1:1 meetings and annual appraisals
4. A well-being Group which drives new initiatives and gains staff views.
5. Evaluation processes in place which ensures staff are listened too.
6. Systems in place to use staff feedback to shapes areas for development which will significantly impact on staff wellbeing and performance.
5. Staff training focusing on our well-being, including: Supporting Staff Well-being and Mental Well-being in children and Young People
7.Providing specialist support / advice, if required.
A recent staff well-being survey (November 2020) indicated that 100% of staff at St. Michael's Nurture Nursery and Children and Family Centre enjoy coming to work and feel valued.