Our aims and ethos are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children to become confident, capable and happy citizens.
"Where children come first and everything we do must reflect this single goal"
St. Michael's Nurture Nursery children are given the opportunity to reach the highest possible levels of attainment through the provision of a curriculum which offers appropriate experiences and activities within a happy and secure environment.
We aim to:
Value each child as a unique individual.
Provide high quality learning opportunities so that children develop and achieve their full potential, by planning rich and positive experiences which promote a love of learning in a meaningful way.
Encourage a spirit of enquiry, investigation and discovery through directed and child initiated play.
Provide a nurturing, safe, emotionally secure, warm and caring environment where everyone feels valued, which at the same time offers stimulation, excitement and challenge.
Encourage positive physical and mental well being for all.
Develop independence, confidence, resilience and strong self-esteem.
Be inclusive, promoting a culture of success for all.
Foster respect for all members of the Nurture Nursery, recognise the unique contribution of all adults and to develop effective partnership with parents and the community.
To work collaboratively with St. Michael’s CE Academy and the Governing Body.
Incorporate the school values into our learning: Thankfulness, Understanding, Compassion, Truthfulness, Forgiveness, Creativity, Courage, Justice, Peace Trust and Hope.