Health Services
St. Michael’s Children and Family Centre links with health partners to provide information, support and services for all families relating to health care. These include antenatal and postnatal care, baby weighing, child development health checks and advice. Whether you have just found out that you are pregnant, or need support with your baby, we are able to help you at St Michael’s.
Midwifery Services - local midwives offer ante-natal appointments and care in our specially equipped health room.
PIPPS (Providing Information and Positive Parenting Support) – This is a specialist ante-natal service provided for young mums.
To find out about any of the services listed above, either call into the Centre or telephone 024 7649 4171 for more information.
- Health Visitor Support – The health visitors hold regular sessions in the centre to give health advice and support for you and your baby. Every family can access a health visitor who will be able to advise parents on their child’s:
Immunisation programmes
Safety in and outside the home
Common illnesses
Growth and Development
Everyday difficulties, e.g. teething, sleeping, feeding, temper tantrums
- Cot Gossip – A regular weekly session for mothers of babies from birth until they are mobile.
- Self Weigh - Every Tuesday at St. Michaels, you can weigh your baby between 11am and 12pm. You can also visit Keresley Newland Primary Academy from 9.15am to 10.30am during term time for a self-weigh facility.
Note: Please contact the Health Visiting Team or your GP if your concern is urgent. In an emergency, please call 999.