Exam and Assessment results
Key Stage 2 Results.
The following results are for the Academic Year 2018-19.
% of pupils achieving the expected standard or above:
Reading: 76%
Writing: 84%
Maths: 76%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 80%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined: 73%
% of Pupils Achieving a High Level of Attainment:
Reading: 25%
Writing: 29%
Maths: 22%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 43%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined: 8%
The average scaled score in each area (100 being the Age Related Expectation):
Reading: 105
Maths: 104
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 107
Subject Progress Measures:
Reading | 1.42 |
Writing | 2.46 |
Maths | 0.31 |