St Michael's

Church of England Academy

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Spring 1 overview

The Gingerbread Man

The Nursery has smelt wonderful as the children have mixed, rolled and shaped their very own gingerbread men.

Nursery Autumn 2 Overview

Nursery Autumn 2 Overview

Exploring our Natural Environment

We are lucky to have such a large outdoor area at St Michael's and the children in Nursery have enjoyed exploring and getting creative with the natural world all around them.  They have been introduced to our Forest School and started to think about the changes that we can see happening in the world around us.  They have explored autumn leaves, creating their own suncatchers and leaf prints.

Nursery Autumn 1 overview

Nursery Autumn 1 overview

Nursery Summer 1 Overview

Marvellous Minibeasts

Nursery have had a great time exploring common local minibeasts.  We have been thinking about their features and have created lots of beautiful artwork, showing what we have noticed.  Our time in Forest School has been the perfect opportunity to find more!

Nursery Summer 1 Overview

Nursery Spring 2 Overview

Nursery Spring 2 Overview

Easter Nest Cakes

Nursery smelt delicious again as the children made their own Easter nest cakes.  The children talked about the changes they could see happening as the chocolate melted and then hardened again.  Breaking up and stirring the ingredients gave everybody a great motor skills workout too!

Visit from a Nurse

Thank you to Nurse Caroline who came and spoke to the children all about how she helps people as a nurse. 
