SEND: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
St. Michael’s Nurture Nursery is committed to the inclusion of all children.
Our Ofsted report 2016 states:
"Children who have special educational needs or disability are supported extremely well. Staff work collaboratively with parents and other professionals, in order to promote a highly consistent approach to children's care and learning."
We provide a positive welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs ensuring no children are discriminated against or put at a disadvantage as a consequence of their needs.
Joanne Burridge is our named Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) for Nurture and works very closely with the SENDCo at St. Michael's C.E Academy: Kelly Shenton.
Joanne Burridge Kelly Shenton
The setting works closely with other professionals such as Health Visitors, Speech Therapists, the Integrated Disability Service (IDS) and Psychologists to ensure the very best outcomes for the children in our care.
We believe that every child at our Nurture Nursery is unique and special, so we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all. We are committed to developing cultures, policies and practices that are inclusive. Systems are in place to identify when children have barriers affecting their learning, followed by specific interventions to help children overcome these barriers. This practice of personalising learning applies to all children.
Where children are identified as needing additional support in any aspect, the academy follows the SEND Code of Practice. This ensures that each child’s needs are individually and appropriately catered for, and that any outside agencies are involved in providing guidance and support.
The key principles of the SEND code of practice are:
The participation of children, their parents and young people in decision making
The early identification of children and young people’s need and early intervention to support
Greater choice and control for young people and parents over support
Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support
High quality provision to meet the needs of children with SEND
The SEND Code of Practice sets out the statutory duty upon local authorities to publish a
Local Offer and annual report.
Warwickshire's SEND LOCAL OFFER can be found here:
Integrated Disability Service (IDS)
The Integrated Disability Service (IDS) is a partnership, bringing together professionals from education and health to provide a range of services to support disabled children and young people and their families at home, school and in other settings. One contact opens the door to a range of different teams including:
- Child Development Service providing a coordinated, multi-agency assessment and follow up services to pre-school children with complex needs.
- Birth to Three Portage Service providing home-based teaching for babies and very young children up to the age of three.
- Pre-School Service, who support children in mainstream Early Years’ Settings across Warwickshire.
- SEN Childcare Service, who support the inclusion of children and young people with SEN and disabilities up to the age of 18 in a range of childcare settings.
- Physical Disability Team, which includes Occupational Therapy and Specialist Teachers and an Inclusion Assistant, who provide advice and support to ensure that children achieve the greatest possible independence both at home and school.
- Hearing and Complex Team, which is made up of staff who work with children with Severe and Complex Needs in mainstream schools and children with hearing Loss.
- Volunteer Team, who work alongside other IDS teams, providing extra support to children, young people and families.
More Information can be found on the Integrated Disability Services website:
KIDS: Giving disabled children a brighter future
Special Education Needs Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIAS)
Warwickshire SENDIAS supports parents and carers of all Warwickshire children with special educational needs and disabilities, from 0 - 25 years of age. It is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people up to 25 years. Warwickshire SENDIAS offers independent support for parents and families who have children and young people with a SEND. They also provide this independent advice directly to young peoples aged 16 to 25 years with a SEND.
The experienced team of local advisors offer impartial, confidential advice and support on all matters relating to SEND. The aim is to enable parents/carers to make informed decisions.
Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Rise aims to build resilience and empower children and young people (as well as the adults in their lives) to know where to go for help and advice.
It’s made up of a number of different services, each led by mental health specialists.
Useful SEND Websites
Further information for parents on SEND
This NHS ran page provides information on the different SEND conditions. There are also links to other relevant and useful pages:
The SEND offer and SEND policies are available on our policies page here.